Effective altruism (EA) is a growing movement, which combines compassion and reason to find the best opportunities to make the world a better place.

The EA community consists of people who are committed to doing good, who continually question what that means, and who use evidence and reason to achieve it.

To learn more about the basic principles and ideas behind EA, watch this Ted Talk by one of the movement's founders, Will MacAskill:


Curious to learn more? Start here!

Introduction to effective altruism

This introduction to effective altruism found on effectivealtruism.org is a great introduction to understand what effective altruism means. It outlines the general decision-making framework the EA community uses in working towards solving pressing problems, and also goes into EA's cause areas.

Effective Altruism Handbook

The EA handbook is an introduction to some of the core concepts in effective altruism. If you’re new to effective altruism, it should give you an overview of the key ideas and problems that have been found so far. If you have already engaged with effective altruism, there should be some new insights amongst the familiar ideas. The pieces are a mix of essays and adaptations of conference talks.

80,000 Hours' Key Ideas Page

This is a guide to help you pick the most impactful career: You have 80,000 hours in your career -- spending 1 or 2 of your hours reading this guide can help you work out how to spend the rest of them in a fulfilling career that does good.

Join our Introductory Fellowship!

(Our second cycle will take place around March-May 2021)

Read an EA-related book! 📚

Reading EA-related books is a great way to get more acquainted in EA concepts. This page has a list of EA-related books and their descriptions. You can request to borrow a book here.